Who We Are

Randolph Community Television is a non-profit community media center located in Randolph Massachusetts.

Since 1998 RCTV has been offering training, equipment and support in the art of television production to seniors, teens, individuals, groups and non-profit organizations. The goal is to train the residents of Randolph to use the facility to develop their own TV programming.

The shows are seen on one of our three P.E.G. channels, COMCAST; Channel 8 for Public Access, Channel 22 for Educational Access and Channel 9 for Government Access and programming & VERIZON; Channel 30 for Public Access, Channel 28 for Educational Access and Channel 29 for Government Access and programming. Any individual, group, non-profit organization or business within Randolph is eligible volunteer and become involved.

Workshops include basic TV production classes, use of equipment and access to the facility. Other advanced workshops are also available.

Much of the communication, creativity and entertainment in the town of Randolph is shared through cable television. This way of conveying information to a mass audience has not been accessible to ordinary citizens like you until now!

The programs shown on RCTV are as diverse as the community itself. Programs may focus on local information about Randolph or on global issues of concern to the residents. They may be educational, political, artistic, cultural, religious or entertaining in nature.

RCTV gives you a chance to connect with others and share ideas, information and opinions through cable TV. By becoming a member, you not only get access to equipment and training but channel time as well.

Come visit us and join in the fun!